very widespread and many of the facebook users that are complaining about the condition of the plow had happened to them, such as libel, elements that have taken over control of these accounts freely write dirty messages to anyone who is not a good impact for the reputation of the owner of the account.
Some time ago I received an email that the message invites us to approve a friendship by others, after I see the page exactly as the website's first page to log into facebook, where we have to enter your email address and password, after I look at the link address addresnya was not the same address, where the facebook login page should contain the address, but in this scam website written
after I check to tell the fake website address through the FB, it has been on the website by the facebook block
This is what convinced me that website that I got from my email is a scam website address.
Create your curious to see this scam website pages please click the link below addres
do not ever you enter your email and password into the scam website
How to prevent it, do not carelessly enter your email and password on websites that are not known, especially as these scam websites