Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Selamat datang di web profil saya, semoga kita bisa berbagi manfaat, menjalin silaturahmi, berbagi ilmu dan rahmat dari Allah SWT. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin

facebook how to safeguard from hackers attacks

Just a little sharing does not hurt to share knowledge,
the rise of poker game enthusiasts in the world of facebook more and more are also criminals who want to hijack facebook ranging from stealing chips or want to take over the account belonged to someone else facebook
There is one more ni tips for securing your facebook from attack people who are irresponsible, very easy way

1. Your email is earned than yahoo, it is advisable to use the email from google gmail because gmail proven security level higher than yahoo, gmail account because you can create a security question you created by yourself and your own course, only one knew the answer to the question you are.

2. add a secondary email to the email you use, if you already have a gmail account do not forget to add a secondary email eg yahoo or others, the functions of this email is so sekuder if anyone still get through your emails, you can regain your email It uses your secondary email.

3. Do not forget to add your secondary email is also available on your facebook account.

4. hide your email on your account info, do not let anyone to see your email including your close friends, because one of the motives of new attacks hackers trick now is to make me a similar trick with a close friend of your own to get your email info.

so wrote a little infonya ...
If you can add more suggestions here do not forget to share experiences