Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Selamat datang di web profil saya, semoga kita bisa berbagi manfaat, menjalin silaturahmi, berbagi ilmu dan rahmat dari Allah SWT. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin


It's nice to finish after we finished our first film tersakhir paramilitary unit, is the prime fact, some time ago we also like a film but with orang2 that seadannya.
But with the intention and strong determination that we can finally complete the film "Laskar LAST" with a perfect,

Happy time we gather together, crowded, fun,
But sad when we have to separate after some time ago that we gathered slalu, capricious as the family is very close.
But yaaach, it is nanamnya life,
how important a sense of camaraderie
Moga only time in the future, we can still gather and capricious slalu ria such as time ago that we skip together.

I Miss you Friend I Miss you Friend

I will not forget you

Don't forget ME Do not forget ME